Completion Date: 1999
Current Contract Value: US$ 3,368 876
Location: Chipata, Zambia
Client: Government of Zambia
Funding Agency: German Government through KfW
Engineers: GKW Consult Supply (?)
Completion Date: 18-month project completed in December 2003
Current Contract Value: US$ 6.9 million
Project: Contract No. DWS III (2)/00 IFB No. 021/07 Government of Malawi, Ministry of Water Development, Funded by World Bank
Location: Malawi
Client: District Water Supply (iii) Project
Supervising Engineers: Stantec Consulting International Ltd., Canada Joint Venture with John Sisk & Son (Africa) Ltd.
Completion Date: 2000
Current Contract Value: US$ 2,302 440
Project: Third Lilongwe Water Supply Project
Location: Lilongwe, Malawi
Client: Lilongwe Water Board
Funding Agency: International Development Association (IDA) Consulting Engineers: Sogreah Consultants (France) Construction of 9.8 km x 800 dia.
Completion Date: 12-month project completed in June 2002
Current Contract Value: US$ 1,700 000
Project: Third Lilongwe Water Supply Project
Location: Zomba, Malawi
Client: Southern Region Water Board Rehabilitation of Eight Water Schemes